Interspecies Wrestling "Boner Jam IV- Balls Out"


Back again, out of my comfort zone, not sure this show will be as good, don't know what to expect but will look at it with open eyes. And we are off...

Tony Deppen vs Jigsaw vs Werewolf of Wolf Street vs Sanchez

Well, this is odd, a bloke in Werewolf mask I will try to not let that cloud my judgement! The first of the Werewolf is some okay stuff and he even "marks his territory" by cocking his leg. This has the look and feel of a Butlins show with incredibly choreographed high spots and waiting procedures. Jigsaw looks about the most talented in this match, with Tony Deppen not far behind, it should be noted that the referee is the biggest man in this match. Sanchez got the win in a very quick opener with a pinning Deppen, whose leg he then bites and then they shake hands, makes zero sense to me. It was what it was. 1 Star.

Daniel Makabe vs Jo Rukin

Staying with that holiday camp feel the next match starts almost immediately, a nice fast start from the 90's heavy metal fan Makabe knocking Rukin off the ring and flying over the top rope, some back and forth and Rukin takes over. Some STF reversals are nice. Rukin misses a double stomp attempt that leads to some sloppy back reversals. You get the impression that these guys are trying to run before they can walk, Rukin wins with the Rear Naked Choke. It was okay, 1.5 stars.

The Gym Nasty Boys vs Team Tremendous

I am right, this is happening in Minehead right now, Team Tremendous looks like everyone's Dad from the 1980s and Gym Nasty Boys look as if they haven't been to the gym since that era, also, White Mike of the Gym Nasty Boys looks like a 70's porn star, a subject that I also know a bit about. I am not sure that comedy works for me, which there is a lot of in this match, a slap his tits chant from the crowd is the funniest thing so far. For a match that is going so long not a lot is happening, apart from the worst looking Hurricanrana I have ever seen. Gym Nasty Boys get the win with a Rock Bottom Backstabber combo. Again, not for me I afraid. 1.5 stars. After the match, a teased turn by the bigger fella out of Team Tremendous on his partner is my favourite part of the show so far.

Sexxxy Eddie vs The King of Small Style Swoggle

Swoggle does crack me up, he falls threatens a guy in the crowd who said trips him, nicks beer off people, spits everywhere and then is too small to get in the ring. Sexxxy Eddie looks like an extra off Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia, Charlie's dad or something. I do like how Swoggle is as round as he is tall, lay off the Cheeseburgers pipe! This is for some kind of title, falls count anywhere or something, the match starts with Swoggle biting Sexxy finger, a wedgie, and a punch to the cock. They stop mid-match to do shots, good job this isn't a triple threat with CM Punk because he is straight edge, not sure if he has mentioned it. Eddie gains control and stamps on Swoggle's dick and hits a World Strongest Slam. Swoggle gets his own back and kicks Sexxy in the dick a lot, hitting a Belly to Back Suplex that Brock himself would be proud of,(please note, he wouldn't, that was sarcasm). Eddie wins with a belt shot. It, wasn't a good match. But Swoggle made me laugh a little so it gets an extra half star. 0.5 stars. More dick based humour after the match. It still isn't funny.

Bastain Show International Food Fight Invitational

What the fuck am I about to watch, I get the feeling that this will be one of those matches that people reference when they say "you are a grown man, why do you even like wrestling?" There is actually a team called the Food Fighters, I fucking hate this already, the point of comedy is it actually has to be funny, and this isn't, at all. I have just seen somebody sell a bag of crisps to the head. It is bad as it sounds. Just to run off some of the "wrestlers" (term used loosely) we have The Dad Bod Squad, a Tag Team that are gay sterotypes, a bear, a turtle and some dicks dressed as crash test dummies. The Trash Man has just been introduced, we are back to Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia..
this is the single worse thing I have seen in a wrestling ring, it is just terrible and everyone involved should get their gear pack it up, go home and stay away from wrestling they have no business being anywhere near the sport. If anyone cares, which you shouldn't Shaun Henderson won. DUD.

Just while they are clearing the ring, it seems the excellent YouTube channel Wrestling with Wregret is sponsoring a lot of the shows, well Brian Zane, this is exactly the type of show that you mock, get your channel off the ring apron or check the shows in future.

Fluffy The Killer Bunny vs Leo St. Giovanni

It is never good when a manager is bigger than the wrestler, which is exactly what is the situation for Leo St. Giovanni. This is also wank, just terrible. Don't watch this, stay away, it is sloppy, slow and just terrible, think Kennel from Hell, and then make it worse. I also have to apologise to one Mr. Shane McMahon, Shane, I have been harsh on you in my reviews recently, a lot of that has to do with your shitty looking offence, especially your punches, however, I have just seen Fluffy The Killer Bunny throw something that was supposed to be punches, so I am sorry, you now have the second worst punches in the world behind Fluffy the Killer Bunny. Who wins this shitshow. DUD

The Ugly Ducklings vs The Butcher and The Blade

The Five Star Moustache is out again, Andy Williams, this is my favourite part of this show so far. This isn't a bad match, The Ugly Ducklings are quite good, second straight show with Andy Williams on who has the size and the look to go far, his partner looks talented, this show may have something on for you to check out. Some actual good wrestling in this, take out some of the timing errors and it could have been really good. Those timing errors were really bad mind. Andy Williams caught one Ugly Duckling and Powerbombed him on to the other, it was nice. The Butcher and The Blade get the win with a great double team move Suplex into a Backstabber. Best match of the night. 3 Stars.

Chris Brookes vs Chris Dickinson

The Dirty Daddy is now my favourite nickname in wrestling. Dickinson also has the look of someone who could go far in wrestling, Brookes looks like a knock-off stretched out Mark Andrews. Brookes legs it after getting zero offence in, Dickinson chases him and they vanish. They appear again in the crowd where Brookes is somehow on top. Not for long. Dickinson throws him into the first three rows. Brookes regains control blocking a powerbomb attempt, and stamping on Dirty Daddy's head from the ring apron, while the ref is distracted, Brookes tag partner (Kid Lycos I think) hits some moves on Dickinson, letting Brookes stay in control. Dickinson is back on top with a big suplex. Some more double team rubbish allows Brookes to get back on top, the finish comes after Brookes pushes the ref, they attempt a double team, but the ref has had enough, she grabs Kid Lycos off the shoulders of Brookes kicks him in the dick and Dickinson finishes Brookes. Decent, nothing great, but decent. 3 Stars.

Matt Tremont vs Jeff Cannonball vs Nick Gage vs Addy Starr Lego Deathmatch Interspecies Wrestling Championship

You read that right, a lego deathmatch. With Nick Gage. I have no idea how this will go. Straight away, Cannonball is smashed through a lego table by Starr. Gage is on the outside so gets jumped on by Starr. Tremont and Cannonball hit each other with lego Baseball bats. Some kind of headbutt competition kicks off between Tremont and Cannonball, it looks terrible. Gage and Starr are now in, and Starr gets wiped out with a right hand. Sorry phased out, nothing really happened, came back in with Starr throwing Gage through a table, Cannonball is busted open, and gets his face slammed into a pile of lego by Starr. Starr is wiped out by Tremont, allowing Cannonball to recover, throwing Tremont out the ring and then hitting a "Cannonball" on all three. Gage recovers and bites Cannonball's head, right on his open wound. On the outside, Gage hits a dangerous, not good, but dangerous looking Brainbuster on Cannonball. Tremont wins with a splash off the top rope on Starr. It wasn't great, it wasn't fun. It was dangerous at times with sloppy moves. But it was terrible. 2 Stars.


Quick sum up, don't bother. Two matches were maybe worth your time, Ugly Ducklings vs The Butcher and The Blade and Chris Brookes vs Chris Dickinson. However, saying that, you won't miss anything if you never see them. 1.5 Stars
