Black Label Pro Adventures In Wrestling Review

I have literally no ideas what to expect from this. I only know that Brian Zane is involved in a Battle Royal. 

BLP Title, Street Fight - Ethan Page vs Kobe Durst

No fucking about here. Page calls Durst a bitch, which kicks things up a notch. This was fucking brutal. It was honestly one of the most painful looking street fights I have seen in a while with both men kicking all the ass. The plunder was being smashed left, right and centre. There was a ton of interference but it didn't take away from the insanity that was occurring. Excellent way to start the show. Page, in particular, looked great. **** Title - Orange Cassidy vs Bryan Alvarez

I make no bones about the fact that I think Cassidy is great but this was the worst of his matches this weekend, which is understandable against Alvarez. Cassidy won, obviously. *1/2

Sadkampf vs Manny Fernandez & Tank

Sadkampf are a solid team but Fernandez is 64 and Tank was never much kop. This was violent but utterly terrible. DUD

Nick Fucking Gage vs Swoggle

This wasn't as bad as it could have been. It also wasn't as murderous as it should have been. It was still very bad though. *

Brian Zane's Million Dollar Battle Royal

It was a battle royal, and a pretty poor one. Maria Manic did pull a knife on Allie Kat at the end though. Haven't seen that since Tank Abbott tried to shank Big Al in WCW. *1/2

Gary Jay, AJ Gray, Curt Stallion & CW Anderson vs Jake Parnell, Rory Gulak, Chris Dickinson & Daniel Makabe

This was a solid enough multi-man tag, but due to it being Mania weekend I have seen loads of em. This did nothing to set itself apart. **1/2

Jordynne Grace, Kylie Rae, Nicole Savoy, Samantha Heights & Solo Darling vs Shazza McKenzie, Zoe Lucas, Jessica Troy, Indi Hartwell & Charli Evans

This was fun but I'm not sure having the two multi-person matches back to back was the best card structure choice. Having said that, it was a touch better than the one that came before it. ***

BLP Tag Titles - Space Pirates vs Besties In The World vs Robbie Eagles & Sammy Guevara

This match seemed very rushed, which is a shame because what we got showed potential. BLP need to know where to cut the chaff better. **1/2

Shigehiro Irie vs Jonathan Gresham

This was a great way to finish the show. They didn't waste any time fucking about, probably because they didn't have to waste, and went straight for the damaging shit. It wasn't as main event feeling as Irie's match against Gunns from the wXw show but I would say that it was at around the same level. ***3/4

Overall Thoughts

The first and last matches are where the power lies here. The rest of the card is entirely skippable.
