Well,, this card is not exciting in the least. Depending on booking, the men's chamber match should steal the show, so long as The Bore Machine Randy Orton is kept out of the match for a while and is eliminated quickly. The cruiserweight match will be good. It is annoying me somewhat about the women's tag team championship, this won't be "the first time" the first recognised women tag champions were Velvet McIntyre and Princess Victoria (back in 1983) with the final champs being The Glamour Girls in 1989. So it is the first time since 1989. Can't rewrite history, it actually happened Vince.
Glamour Girls, lets remember them...
Buddy Murphy vs Akira Tozawa Cruiserweight Championship
For a change, the 205er's are relegated to the pre-show surely this was the spot designed for a Braun vs Corbin match? What do these guys have to do to get the respect they deserve, Buddy Murphy, in particular, has a strong case for being the best wrestler of 2018 on the main brand. The match starts strong, with Akira Tozawa going for a tope but getting caught for a suplex on the outside. The match goes back and forth but gets interrupted by a New Day interview, I never thought I would see the day where a New Day interview would piss me off. Still a lot of counters until Tozawa gets on a bit of a roll, hitting a missile dropkick, pump kick, and shining wizard, all looked crisp, Tozawa sets up for his finish, Murphy up, ends up with Murphy getting booted in the face sat on the top, Tozawa climbs up where Murphy lifts him up but Tozawa reverses into a top rope hurricanrana for a two. I didn't do that description justice, just watch it. Murphy manages to hit some beautiful suplex combo's and gets a long two count. Tozawa is back on top, this match is great and could quite easily steal this show, fingers crossed they are listening to the crowd reaction in the back, they are fully invested in this, and I can't blame them. Murphy reverses an Octopus Stretch into Murphy's Law for the win. Great match, should have been on the main card and I guarantee everyone now, will piss all over any of the other one on one match tonight. 4 Stars
Women's Tag Team Championship Elimination Chamber
With every step forward with the women's division, with great matches, possibly one of, if not the, best bell to bell PPV of 2018, main eventing cards, last women standing and now a tag team championship. But this to me is where it hits pause, at least one of the teams in this is thrown together out of nowhere, four heel teams, and if The Boss and Hug Connection don't win it makes no sense to me at all. Plus it has Tamina and Nia Jax, together, as one, that is as bad as it sounds. First out is the thrown together team of Carmella and Naomi, only worth a mention because of the recent "incidents" surrounding these ladies, which I won't go into here, but I do wonder if Graves have been told to go in harsh on Carmella. On the Graves front, he has gone from being great to turning into Jerry Lawler, perving over women, dismissing Rene who is better than him, it is annoying and he doesn't come across as a heel, just a jackass. The match starts with The Boss and Hug Connection going up against (the under-rated) Sonia Deville and Mandy Rose. For the record I only think Sonia Deville is under-rated, some standard Chamber stuff in the open segment until Mandy Rose gets her foot stuck in the cage and gets hit with a neck breaker from Bayley, The Riott Squad are next in and they quickly dispatch with Banks and Bayley. The square up between Riott Squad and Deville/Rose is interesting. Comes down to a slap fest between Deville and Morgan with no one coming out on top, both women end up down, Bayley back in and takes everyone out, Bayley is getting back to the women who stole the show in NXT. Next in, The Iiconics who go for quick pins on everyone, as all the teams are down after your normal Superplex/Powerbomb spot. Bayley nearly gets pinned off a weak knee from Payton Royce. I like how vocal The Iiconics are, if they could just tidy up their ring work they could be massive. Fabulous Glow next in, its there turn to be on top for a bit. Is it just me, but Naomi although athletic, has never really nailed down the rest- her timing, in particular, is poor. Chaos ensues with every woman hitting their big move until everyone is down. It comes to Mandy Rose vs Naomi, couldn't be less enthused for that- Naomi and Carmella are the first out (no real shock) after a very nice pinning combination from The Iiconics. Jax and Tamina are in everyone had stopped waiting for them and guess what, that's right they Braun Strowman everyone. The Iiconics hide in a pod which made me smile, obviously the Samoan Slaughterhouse get in, maul them and get the pin with Double Samoan Drops. The Riott Squad work on Tamina and get a two after an assisted Diamond Cutter/Stunner, Jax breaks it up and gets put out of action by Deville and Rose. Bayley and Banks enjoy sometime in the sun before Jax and Tamina stop that. Riott Squad are on top of the pod taking out Jax/Tamina with high cross bodies. Liv Morgan gets caught heading up and gets hit with a top rope Samoan Drop and a terrible Sunka Splash and are eliminated. Down to Banks/Bayley, Jax/Tamina and Deville/Rose. Jax smashes herself through a pod after Bayley got out of her way, Tamina is left against four women, big knees from Deville, Banks hits double knees, top rope elbow from Bayley and every woman piles on to eliminate Jax and Tamina. The two starting teams are now the two finishing teams. An incredibly close two from Banks/Bayley after a Banks Stabber into a Bayley to Belly on Deville needs Rose to break it up. Mandy Rose is on top of one of the pods, cornered by Banks/Bayley, but Deville manages to come round and just create enough distraction for that situation to be resolved. Rose gets her own near fall when she hits her finish (which I can't recall the name of) but Banks kicks out. Deville in, attempts to spear Banks but hits Mandy. Banks gets the tap out win with a fantastic Banks Statement which needs to be seen to understand. I found the match on a whole, okay, but the closing segment was great and stuck to the story of the match. my worry now is, where do they go, every viable team was in that match I would like to see Mandy Rose and Sonia Deville vs The Riott Squad again. But for the first time in a long time, WWE need a deeper roster. Anyway, it turned out better than I thought it would 3.5 stars.
The Miz & Shane McMcMahon vs The Usos (Smackdown Tag Team Championship)
The Miz is a champion again, that is great, really, really great. Not great enough to offset the complete shitness that is Shane McMahon being a champion. So terrible, and the fact I have a feeling they are going to sacrifice The Usos to them is so bad. Hopefully, I am wrong, and they do the right thing, let The Usos win and get to The Miz vs Shane McMahon, however, recent arrests say otherwise. Face Miz is no fun, at all. I don't even want to watch this, three great wrestlers being dragged to the gutter by a middle-aged none wrestler still doing the same stuff that he did in the Attitude Era. Fuck you, Shane McMahon. Jimmy and Miz start out and it seems they are both moving in slow motion, it isn't the crisp Uso we have come to expect. Shane is in, all you need to know is it is all terrible looking offence. Tags Miz back in and it still feels clunky. Usos on top, it still not great, Miz is getting a battering. Jimmy Uso hitting Miz's corner clothesline is the best thing so far. Shane gets the tag runs over Jimmy, attacks Jay then hits a ridiculous Pump Kick on Jimmy. Shane hits his terrible Coast to Coast which Jimmy leans into, goes for another one on Jay but gets his face kicked off and hit with a Sunka Splash for a pin attempt broken up by Miz. Miz on top on the outside, he clears the table and avoids a flying Uso. He gets Jay on the table, Shane on top and hits his elbow through the table, yawwwwnnnnnnnnnn, its every time now Shane. Jimmy and Miz are in the ring, Jimmy hits a superkick and goes for his splash and gets greeted with double knees, Skull Crushing Finale, two count but Jimmy reverses Miz into a three count. Was going to give this 2 stars, but not having Shane McMahon as a champion definitely elevates it to 5 stars. No, not really, clunky, slow, Shane, 2 stars. Going to have to stop trying to make predictions in my into, two made, two wrong!
Finn Balor vs Bobby Lashley and Lio Rush (Intercontinental Championship)
I am a big, big fan of Finn Balor, I almost jumped out my skin when he came close to beating Brock Lesnar at the Rumble. But I cant do this. I cant sit through Shane McMahon and Bobby Lashley knowing Randy Orton is still to come. I am sorry, something has to give, and I am sorry Finn, it is this match. Balor won just for that I am giving it 3 stars.
Ronda Rousey vs Ruby Riott (Raw Womens Championship)
Ruby Riott is great, Ronda Rousey has been great, this should be great. Well, I was wrong again, it was a squash. 1 Star. Its all about the post-match scenes with Charlotte at ringside and Becky coming through the crowd to a massive pop, on crutches. Becky batters Flair with as crutch, Rousey just looks on, she completely destroys Flair, Ronda picks up the other crutch, Lynch reminds Rousey of the battering Flair gave her with the Kendo Stick, Ronda goes after Flair, and Becky batters Rousey with the crutch, it is great Becky Lynch stands tall with the crowd behind her, she really is the man. Becky is escorted out by security leaving the two other women beaten and Ronda blooded. Someone like Alicia Fox could have been used in the Ruby Riott spot.
Braun Strowman vs Baron Corbin (No DQ)
Another nothing match for me. Braun has lost steam in the last few months, mainly due to being partnered with Baron Corbin. They just have zero chemistry for me. It starts with some Kendo Stick strikes from Corbin, he sets the Stick up in the corner, Strowman reverses the throw attempt into the Boss Man slide round the post, but Braun continues the battering. Braun snaps the Kendo Stick. Strowman throws Corbin out the ring and does the run thing, but then Baron throws a chair at Strowman, which he catches, Rene likes this and mentions his hand-eye coordination. Braun misses his spear and hits the steps. Baron is on top and Cole overplays his dominance. Braun back on top, a floors Baron with a big boot and fetches a table, he sets it up in the corner and goes for his running powerslam. Rake to the eyes stops that, however, he quickly recovers and hits his running powerslam through the table. McIntyre's music hits and heads down with a chair in hand, Lashley comes in from the blind side with his own chair and they both batter the monster. Braun quickly recovers and hands out a couple of right hands before a spear from Lashley puts him down, the steel steps are brought in, it is now three on one, Corbin has recovered. Another brief rally by Braun is stopped by a chair to the back by Baron Corbin. Tables are introduced, the Claymore Kick is hit, a double table now set up, McIntyre and Corbin drag Strowman over to the waiting Lashley, where they hit the Shield Powerbomb through the double tables. Baron Corbin gets the pin. McIntyre needs to get away from Baron Corbin and Lashley and soon, he is better than that. This should have been pre-show, or even better, on Raw in a segment, it reeked of just getting Strowman on the card, the Cruiserweights should have had this spot. 1 Star.
Backstage segment between Miz and Shane. That is all that needs saying.
Lacey Evans is out for some reason, and then she isn't, that made zero sense.
WWE Championship Elimination Chamber
This could be great, Daniel Bryan, AJ Styles, & Samoa Joe possibly in the same ring at the same time doesn't need selling. Kofi Kingston is nothing if not reliable even though if anyone out of New Day should have had this chance it should have been Big E. Jeff Hardy will do something mental. And I know I rag on Randy Orton, but he is capable of putting on something good, even great, he just seems to choose to be boring. Kingston is first out to a big Kofi chant, Jeff Hardy is next. Randy is out next, which means we are getting the best possible start. With AJ being next out, we get a Joe vs Bryan (my WrestleMania match, check back look at some other stuff..) to kick us off. That doesn't bode well for Joe, can't see them booking the first two to be last two in two consecutive chamber matches the same, I also don't see Daniel Bryan losing here. Daniel Bryan should really get new music, his current one still holds great "Yes Movement" memories. However, Daniel Bryan is great as the angry self-righteous heel and I love that new belt. I have to wonder if Rowan is wearing one of Ian Marshall's t-shirts again, have a look over his review to find out. Daniel Bryan trashing the "WHAT" chant is great. It is the worst thing Steve Austin ever did in wrestling. Daniel Bryan starts by running away from Joe, just adds to his new character, I like it. It starts with some quick legs kicks from Bryan, until Joe catches hold and goes for a kneebar. Joe is walking down Bryan who is playing scared brilliantly well, Joe catches Bryan by the cage and opens up with chops. Powerbomb into a Boston Crab. into an STF, into a Crossface from Joe. I like a lot. Bryan rolls in it over into a pin for a two. He takes Joe's knee out and gains control, slamming Joe into the pod, for a one. Bryan goes for a chop, Joe no sells and hits Bryan with his own, Daniel Bryans chest already looks like a ginger in the sun. A drop toe hold allows Bryan to regain control as the countdown timer ticks away... and its Kofi Kingston. Kofi, like a house on fire takes out both man, hits a splash to the back of Joe and gets a two. Daniel Bryan stops that, draping Kofi over the top rope for a big knee to the back. Joe is back up and chops through Daniel Bryan again, Bryan legs it and gets to the top of a pod and sits. He is soon joined by Kofi Kington where they both try to climb across the cage, Joe drags Bryan down, he goes for Kofi but gets booted off, then Kingston just freefalls on to both men. He gets a two count from both men. This should be an entertaining five minutes, AJ Styles is now out, don't think anyone would complain at this as a fatal four-way match. Styles straight after Bryan. Gets a two count on Kingston after hitting a double DDT on Kofi and Bryan. Bryan is trying to hide by climbing up the cage but is knocked off by a forearm from AJ. Kingston gets caught in the Rear Naked Choke of Joe, but escapes with a Jaw buster, followed by the Phenomenal Forearm for the three. Oh, Joe, why do they treat you so bad. Hardy is out next and has his time smashing everyone. It stops with a Pele Kick from AJ Styles. Hardy is on a pod, Styles is across the top buckles, Swanton Bomb, but upon getting up eats a big running knee from Bryan and gets eliminated. An interesting situation in the corner, with Styles over the buckle in The Tree Of Woe, Bryan attempts a Superplex on Kingston, however, AJ sits up to hit a German on both men. Orton is out and is moving in slow motion as per. Kofi seems the fan favourite tonight, perhaps a little sentimental win wouldn't be so bad, I don't see it, but it wont be the worse thing to happen tonight. AJ Styles goes for a Forearm on Kingston but Orton buts a stop to that and hits an RKO eliminate Styles. Styles vs Orton WrestleMania then. Kingston hits a Trouble in Paradise on Orton to get rid of him, it is down to Kofi Kingston vs Daniel Bryan. The crowd are firmly behind Kingston, Bryan and Kingston starts off with fists, then trading kicks, which Kofi seems to have the upper hand until Bryan takes his knee out, No Kicks from Bryan, Kingston ducks the last and hits SOS for a two. Bryan hits loads of his running dropkick until Kingston explodes with a jumping stomp to the chest from Kingston. Kingston gives the clap for Trouble in Paradise, but Bryan rolls out, Kingston follows and repeatedly slams Bryan into the cage. Kofi tried to finish it with a bulldog but Bryan pushes him off into the pod. Bryan is setting up his running knee, which he hits, for a two! The crowd love that and Kofi chants sing out again. Bryan is straight stamping on Kofi's face and gets another two, a surprise Trouble in Paradise gets two before it is reversed into a pin attempt from Bryan, Daniel Bryan goes for the Labell Lock, but Kingston grabs the ropes, which must equal a break because Bryan lets it go, no DQ isn't it? Bryan goes up top, but Kofi kicks him in the face, Bryan goes to the top of the pod, Kingston follows, smashing Daniel Bryan into the Perspex walls, Kofi goes for a suplex, but DB blocks and it's his turn to slam Kingston into the "bulletproof glass" Kingston manages to turn it around and boot Bryan off the top, but he misses his splash attempt, Bryan hits his running knee again and gets the three count. I enjoyed that. It was slow in parts, Joe eating the first pin will never make sense to me, but still, but the closing matchup between Daniel Bryan and Kofi Kingston was great, achieved in getting Kingston his moment to shine, and shine he did. 4 stars. After the match Kingston was joined by New Day and big chants of "Thank You Kofi", it was nice.
There was a lot wrong with tonight, once again ignoring the Cruiserweights was a mistake, and they had the best one on one match of the night, and equal best match of the night. Both Chamber matches had their issues, but multiple person matches normally do, and both closing sections of the matches were great. Braun Strowman vs Baron Corbin didn't need to be here, it was pointless and was nothing they couldn't have done in a middle section of Raw. I hated the waste of Ruby Riott and how she looked like a glorified jobber, when I genuinely think she should be regarded nearer the front of the division and her first shot at Ronda could have so much more, like said use Fox or Mickie James two are on the other side of their careers. The post-match angle was stunning mind. The show moved nicely and didn't seem to drag, if you don't watch it all watch the Crusierweight Title, WWE Title, Womens Tag Title and the post-match Ronda segment/beatdown, in that order should leave you happy enough. Overall, average show, average marks 2.5 Stars
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