Evolve 103 Review

The second Evolve show of the weekend is here and the crowd doesn't appear to be any bigger than it was the previous day. 

WWN Live Title & FIP Title - Keith Lee vs Austin Theory

This match was set up at the previous day's show. It made no sense to me at the time but it does now. The only reason to have Lee drop the title here would be because he is headed to NXT. The crowd seems to think so too. The match itself was not great, to be honest. **

Timothy Thatcher vs Dom Garrini

Much like most of Garrini's matches, this was solid but unspectacular. Thatcher picked up the win in relatively short order. **1/2

AR Fox vs DJZ vs Jason Kincaid vs Chris Brookes

This was the best match on the card up until this point but it was still lacking something. I'm not sure whether it is the building or the crowd or something else, but something is missing. AR Fox was the sensible pick and that is who won. ***

Chris Dickinson vs Mark Haskins

Haskins is replacing Travis Banks. They have a pretty good match considering that they wouldn't have had much time to put something together. Because of the change, there was very little drama and that hurt it a bit. ***

WALTER vs Tracy Williams

This is more like it. WALTER is fantastic every single time he goes out and performs. This match may have been under 10 minutes but they used it very well. Williams has the perfect style to fight against WALTER's powerchop offense. This was great. ****

Jaka vs Munenori Sawa

For the second show in a row, Sawa put on a great performance despite having been retired for a few years. His style meshed really well with Jaka and they put together something good. Not that the crowd really gave a shit. That or there just aren't enough of them to hear. ***1/2

Evolve Title - Matt Riddle vs Daisuke Sekimoto

Pretty high-quality first title defense. Riddle decides that all title defenses will be no rope breaks while he is champion. I think that is what he said. The house mic is shit. This was a really good main event. They worked their asses off and beat the piss out of each other, but it would have felt even better if there was a crowd to get behind it. Riddle won with a believable referee stoppage. ****

Overall Grade - C

Despite the fact that there are a couple of good matches on this show, given the wealth of wrestling options this weekend, you can have more fun for your money. The lack of crowd really doesn't help.
