PWG Battle of Los Angeles 2017 Night 3 Review

We have reached the final day of the 2017 Battle of Los Angeles tournament and it has been a hell of a ride so far. There are a whole host of matches on the slate for this one with the quarters, semis and final of the tournament, and I assume a massive clusterfuck match as well. I apologise that this has taken a few days, unfortunately life sometimes gets in the way of wrestling. On with the show.

1/4 Final Match - Ricochet vs Dezmond Xavier

As should be expected, they start off fast. Xavier gets the better off the early exchanges so Ricochet slows it down and gives the young man a bit of a slap. Xavier is unperturbed though and fights back. He hits an ugly looking Sasuke Special. I'm not sure what he was going for there.

The match gets a bit sloppy in the middle section. A number of moves don't connect as smoothly as I've become accustomed to from Ricochet matches. Xavier kicks out of the Benadryller but the high angle flatliner puts him away. 

That was probably the ugliest match of the tournament so far. It wasn't bad at all but it was a bit off. ***

1/4 Final Match - Travis Banks vs Marty Scurll

Marty opens by cutting the exact same promo as he did in the first round. Classic. They trade holds to begin, with Marty getting the best of it and working over Banks with a chair to the ribs/arm on the outside.

Banks fights back but Marty cuts him off again, proving that he has him scouted from their previous encounters in the UK. Banks goes for the Slice of Heaven but Marty catches it and applies the chickenwing. Scurll goes for the finger snap spot but Banks kicks him in the face and hits the Kiwi Krusher.

Banks applies the Gargano Escape but Scurll escapes by attacking the fingers. He gets the finger snap spot and does his chickenwing set up dance. Banks obviously knows what's coming and manages to roll Scurll up for the upset victory. 

That was a really good match. Both men put in a great effort and their familiarity with each other helped a lot. A big improvement over the opening match of the night. ***3/4

1/4 Final Match - Donovan Dijak vs Keith Lee

These two have a couple of excellent matches so far this year, so I am looking for this to build on that. Dijak uses his agility to escape a number of moves and get on the front foot. They head to the corner and Dijak goes for the monkey flip but KEITH LEE LANDS ON HIS FEET. Keith Lee is a massive human being, he should not be able to do that.

This turn of events annoys Dijak, who kicks Lee in the face. The head to apron and Dijak hits a chokeslam. This is kicking off hot. Dijak hits a Frosbury flop but Lee caught him and slammed him into the post/apron. It's Lee's turn to go for a dive. He hits a tope con giro and LANDS ON HIS FEET AGAIN! Keith Lee is not normal.

Lee goes for the Spirit Bomb but Dijak flips out of it and they trade strikes. Lee hits forearm, back elbow, headbutt, Mongolian chop combination that looks sweet as a nut and follows up with a massive pancake. He hits a cross body to the back and takes Dijak out of his boots with a pounce. 

Dijak flips out of a Samoan drop and goes for the big boot, but Lee catches his leg and flips Dijak 540 degrees onto his back. It's not enough to pick up the win though. They fight to the top rope and Dijak pushes Lee onto the apron. Lee fights back up but Dijak hits a sitout Samoan drop from the second rope for a great near fall. 

Dijak hits a springboard Cancun tornado to the floor. Dijak is 6 foot 7, 270 pounds! Dijak goes for the chokebreaker but Lee flips out of it. Lee hits a Spirit bomb but Dijak pops right up and hits a superkick. He follows up with a moonsault but Lee sits up during the pin, with Dijak in his arms. Lee rolls through and hits the Samoan jackhammer. 1, 2, NO! This match is incredible.

Keith Lee heads up top and hits a moonsault, Dijak kicks at 1. Big splash in the corner and 2 Mongolian chops from Lee, but Dijak is laughing at him! He lures Lee back in and manages to hit the Feast Your Eyes. LEE KICKS AT 1! This is the fucking greatest thing.

Dijak goes for a front flip senton from the top but Lee catches him like he was a small child and hits another Spirit Bomb. DIJAK KICKS OUT AGAIN! I never want this to end. Dijak hits a Feast Your Eyes but it doesn't even put Lee down. The crowd is at a fever pitch. Lee fires up and hits another Samoan jackhammer to finally put Dijak away.

That was unbelievable. It was an exhibition of world class wrestling from two big men that can do things that most can't. They had the crowd on the edge of their seat throughout and held absolutely nothing back. This is a legitimate match of the year contender. ****3/4 (I originally gave this ***** but after watching it again I knocked it down a notch)

1/4 Final Match - Rey Fenix vs Zack Sabre Jr

The match starts with Fenix trying to prove he can go hold to hold on the mat with Zack. Zack is playing the cocky dickhead, reversing everything that comes his way and generally being dismissive and disrespectful of Fenix. 

Fenix fights back by using his speed advantage and hitting a springboard double stomp to the back. He follows that up with a picture perfect springboard moonsault. His offense is cut short when Zack reverses an attempted ace crusher into an armbar.

Zack goes back to disrespecting Fenix, which leads to them exchanging strikes. Fenix manages to hit the ace crusher this time but it isn't enough to put Zack away. They run through some chain reversals and Fenix manages to pick up the upset with the sneaky bridging pin. 

That was a really good match and it was a sensible idea to follow the spectacle of the last match with something that was completely different. ****1/4

1/4 Final Match - Jeff Cobb vs Sammy Guevara

When you look at these two next to each other it looks like Sammy is going to get murdered. Sammy gives Cobb the finger and slaps him. Bad move. Cobb chins the cocky fucker. Sammy manages to hit a hurricanrana from a standing position on Cobb's shoulders.

Sammy overshoots a Frosbury flop and they brawl outside. Cobb tries to hit a powerbomb on the stage but Sammy escapes and hits a corkscrew tornillo from the announce table. Back in the ring, he hits a shooting star press but it isn't enough. 

Sammy gets cocky, squatting on a Samoan drop, so Cobb destroys him with a big headbutt. Sammy tries to hit another shooting star press but Cobb catches him and throws him across the ring. Cobb hits Tour of the Islands and that is all she wrote. 

This was good for what it was, a short match that packed a lot in. ***1/2

1/4 Final Match - Matt Riddle vs Penta El Zero M

This tournament has a habit of putting together matches that you didn't realise you needed until they are booked. They work a small amount of submission wrestling before getting to the bit where they hit each other hard. 

Riddle hits a back senton and the always impressive deadlift gutwrench suplexes. They then trade Canadian destroyers, twice. So much destruction. They head to the apron and trade chops, theones that Fenix hits sound like cannons. Riddle doesn't care to take anymore so he hits a fisherman's buster on the apron.

Riddle heads back inside and goes for a dive but Penta cuts him off. Penta is clearly annoyed about being dropped on the apron. PACKAGE PILEDRIVER ON THE APRON! RIDDLE'S DEAD. Penta decides to take a seat after the insanity.

Penta comes off the top but Riddle drills him with a knee. He hits the Bro 2 Sleep and a German but it's not enough. Riddle manages to hit the Gotch style tombstone and follows up with the Bromission for the win.

That was highly entertaining stuff. I never really doubted they would deliver but it's nice when you get what you expect. ****1/4

Semi Final Match - Travis Banks vs Ricochet

Travis immediately hits a pair of lowpe suicidas. Back in the ring they go toe to toe and Ricochet hits a stungun into a neckbreaker. Ricochet talks some shit to Banks and goes for the people's moonsault but Banks moves.

Banks sends Ricochet into the corner and hits a pair of running back elbows. Ricochet tries to fire back but Banks takes out his legs and sends him hard into the buckle, then follows up with the cannonball. Ricochet tries to hit the rolling cutter but gets destroyed with a lariat.

Shotgun dropkick and a double stomp to the back of Ricochet. Ricochet fights back and hits a rolling dropkick and a standing SSP. Ricochet takes advantage with a lungblower in the corner, but it's not enough to put away Banks. Ricochet talks trash to Banks again.

Banks escapes the attempted Benadryller and hits the Kiwi Krusher. It's not enough to put away Ricochet though. He follows up with the Gargano Escape but Ricochet gets to the ropes. They trade strikes before Ricochet hits the brainspiller for 2.

Ricochet sets Banks up on top and hits a beautiful moonsault belly to belly for a good near fall. Travis Banks hits a desperation rolling prawn hold for 2 before Ricochet hits the high angle flatliner for the win.

That was an excellent match. They were full of energy and they used the time they had to the fullest. It was the best match Banks has had in this tournament and Ricochet was only better in the tag team match on Night 2. ****1/4

Semi Final Match - Rey Fenix vs Keith Lee

Fenix uses his speed to get off some quick strikes and goes for the rolling cutter but Keith Lee doesn't move, so Fenix is just hanging from Lee's neck. Lee sends Fenix off the ropes and drills him with a clothesline.

Fenix heads to the apron but Lee just throws him half way across the ring. Lee destroys Fenix with a Mongolian chop. Fenix now has a hole where his chest previously was. Fenix fights back with a dropkick that sends Lee to the floor. He successfully hits 2 suicide dives but Lee catches him on a tope attempt and powerbombs him into the ring post. 

Back in, Lee heads up top but Fenix cuts him off. Fenix attempts a hurricanrana but Lee catches him and hits a spirit bomb for a close near fall. Lee follows up with the Samoan jackhammer to advance to the final. 

That was a fun match. It's hard to have a really memorable semi final as you have already had one match and the winner has to save something for the final, but they both worked really hard to put on a good match. ***1/2

Semi Final Match - Matt Riddle vs Jeff Cobb

These two had an excellent match at the Super Strong Style 16 tournament in PROGRESS earlier in the year. They start of by exchanging chops and German suplexes before Riddle gets the upper hand.

Cobb fights back by throwing Riddle around like a rag doll. Riddle tries to apply a submission but Cobb's neck is just too damn large. Cobb fights out and hits a tombstone but doesn't let go and attempts a second. Riddle manages to reverse it into a jumping tombstone of his own. 

They exchange some stiff chops before Riddle hits a fisherman's buster for 2. Riddle lays in some stiff kicks and follows up with a broton for another 2. He tries for another but Cobb gets the knees up. Cobb hits a big headbutt and a pop up German before putting Riddle away with the Tou of the Islands.

This was a really good match but not on par with their match from SSS16. This one didn't have the time afforded it that that one did. ***3/4

Non Tournament Match - Team Janela (Joey Janela, Mark Haskins, Flamita, Flash Morgan Webster & Chuck Taylor) vs Team Trevor (Trevor Lee, Brian Cage, WALTER, Jonah Rock & Sami Callihan)

Trevor Lee claims that he has been on the phone with Jeff Jarrett and if they win everyone will get Impact Wrestling contracts. WALTER seems less than stoked. Rey Horus is supposed to be part of Team Janela but he can't wrestle due to injury. The fans want Chuck Taylor to replace him so he agrees. He isn't dressed to wrestle though so he says he is off to get changed first. It wouldn't be a BOLA clusterfuck without Sexy Chuckie T.

Team Trevor attacks at the bell and all hell breaks loose. This match is going to be impossible to follow so I'll just highlight the weirdest/craziest/best bits. Webster drops Callihan and Lee with headbutts but drops himself when he headbutts Rock. 

Janela hits a suicide dive and ends up about 8 rows into the crowd. Janels fakes out Callihan and Lee with a punch before DDTing them but WALTER doesn't fall for his tricks. Janela knows he's fucked up and gets decapitated by a big boot.

Brian Cage does some curls with Janela and Trevor Lee decides he wants a go but doesn't even manage one. WALTER gives Rock a piggy back and they both splash Janela, he then does the same with Cage. He tries with both Lee and Callihan at the same time but Janela moves.

Janela tells Lee 'Fuck you, Jeff Jarrett and Karen Jarrett'. Chuck Taylor is here, but he has forgot to tape his wrist so he is going to sort that out. WALTER gets a vertical suplex on Haskins and passes him on to Cage, who passes him on to Rock, who passes him on to Lee, the suplex is sagging at this point but he passes him onto Callihan. Callihan can't sustain it and Haskins reverses into a suplex of his own. 

Cage catches a cross body from Haskins and catches a rana attempt from Webster while he is still holding Haskins. Brian Cage is a fucking machine. Chuck Taylor is back again, this time he has wrist tape. He gets the tag and cleans house. Chuck gets confused and tries to pin Janela.

Webster goes to do a dive but Chuck advises him to put his motorcycle helmet on first, so he does. WALTER then hits an Awesome bomb on Janela to the people congregating on the floor. WALTER and Rock have a miscommunication so they decide to abandon the match and beat the shit out of each other. 

Trevor Lee steals TK Cooper's crutch but Cooper wants it back. He takes it from Lee, distracting him long enough for Taylor to hit a pop up powerbomb and the Awful Waffle for the win.

This was a fucking blast. There was a lot more than what I have written here. It's 10 men having a good time doing what they love and you can't argue with that. ****1/4

BOLA 2017 Final, Elimination Match - Keith Lee vs Ricochet vs Jeff Cobb

Well here we are, the final match of this fantastic weekend of wrestling. Cobb and Lee are looking for their first BOLA title while Ricochet is looking to be the first man to win the tournament twice. Ricochet is heeling it up again. They propose a 3 way test of strength but Ricochet slaps them both. Asking for trouble there.

Both of the big men try to take out Ricochet but he uses his speed to evade them. That is until Cobb hits a pounce that sends Ricochet into the air, Lee then hits a pounce of his own on the airborne Ricochet. Cobb and Lee exchange strikes before Lee hits a rana on Cobb. 

Cobb wants to exchange strikes with Lee but he isn't up for it. Cobb tries again but Lee still isn't interested and gives him a Mongolian chop to highlight his distaste for the idea. Cobb beals Ricochet all the way across the ring and tells Lee to chop him. Lee doesn't want him and throws him back. Cobb throws him back once again but Lee catches him and throws him at Cobb. 

Cobb goes to splash Ricochet in the corner but Ricochet shows he has some strength of his own and catches him. He then dumps him in the corner with an exploder. Ricochet then manages to dump the 320 pound Lee into the corner. 

Ricochet dives over the post onto Cobb, rolls him back in and hits a 450 but it's not enough. Ricochet decides he will try the same thing to Keith Lee but he also kicks out, sending Ricochet out of the ring in the process. Ricochet gets back in and hits a shooting star press, that isn't enough to see Lee off though.

Ricochet hits a deadlift fisherman's buster on Cobb but Lee nails him with a one hand pancake. Cobb then hits a pumphandle throw on Keith Lee. Cobb and Lee exchange strikes. Ricochet tries to get involved but gets immediately dropped. Cobb ducks a punch and drills Lee with a German.

Ricochet hits a shooting star press on Cobb but Cobb rolls through. Ricochet tries a high kick but Cobb catches that and delivers an exploder suplex. Lee sneaks up on Cobb and hits a spirit bomb but Cobb just about kicks out.

Lee heads up to the middle rope but Ricochet cuts him off and hits a second rope reverserana. He then hits a 630 on Cobb and, somehow, a Benadryller on Lee. He heads up top and lands the 630 on Lee but Lee kicks out. 

Ricochet tries to hit the Benadryller on Cobb but he reverses and proceeds to throw Ricochet around. Lee pulls Ricochet to the floor and heads back in. He hits Cobb with the Samoan jackhammer and gets the pin. Cobb is eliminated. 

Ricochet springboards back in but Lee catches him and goes for the Samoan jackhammer but Ricochet rolls through into an inside cradle and picks up the win. Ricochet is a 2 time BOLA Champion.

That was a fantastic way to finish the tournament. A hell of an effort from all three men. They maintained the feeling throughout that any of them could win and that always helps. At the end of the day Keith Lee and Jeff Cobb will be back to fight another day but Ricochet is probably WWE bound in the not too distant future and he deserves to leave PWG on a high. ****1/2

After the match Ricochet cuts a heel promo, which makes sense as his win will get him a title shot at ultra face champion Chuck Taylor. Keith Lee and Jeff Cobb finish the show by thanking the fans.

Overall Grade - A+

I can't really grade it as anything else really. There were some matches that fell below the standards of others but they were mostly the shorter matches. On an 11 match card there were 6 matches that reached ****1/4 or higher. The Lee vs Dijak match is something to behold and at no point did anything on this show feel close to bad. This is right up there with the best shows this year and from a pure match quality standpoint it might well be the best. 
