This is a Raw exclusive show and if you believe what the commentary team are forcing on everyone it has WRESTLEMANIA MAIN EVENT QUALITY MATCHES!!!!!! Maybe it will, let's see.
Kickoff: Apollo Crews vs Elias
Elias sings us a ditty about L.A before being interrupted by Titus Worldwide. This was interchangeable with basically any other kickoff match, except for New Day vs Usos. It wasn't terrible but I just watched it and I already remember barely anything from it. Elias won with the Drift Away. **
Intercontinental Title - The Miz vs Jason Jordan
The crowd is solidly pro-Miz here, as they should be, he makes good points and is anti-nepotism. Jordan is on top for a large portion of the early going. The crowd hate him. They brawl for a bit on the outside, with Jordan again getting the upper hand. Back in the ring, Jordan counters a Skull Crushing Finale into a roll up for a 2 count.
Jordan hits rolling Northern Lights suplexes, which looked great. Jordan takes out the Miztourage, even though they did nothing to him. He locks in the Crippler Crossface but Miz makes it to the ropes. Miz temporarily got the upper hand when Jordan missed a corner spear but it lasted about 15 seconds.
The match ends when Curtis Axel gets in a cheap shot allowing Miz to hit the Skull Crushing Finale to retain the title. The wrestling was good but it was hard to really get invested when so much of the match was Jordajn on offense and the crowd wanted nothing to do with him. A heel turn is needed. ***
Finn Balor vs Bray Wyatt
I have not been invested in this feud at all. I am as drained as I can possibly be on Bray Wyatt. Before the bell rang Bray attacked Balor, hitting a uranage on the announce table. The doctors come down and tell Balor he has to get looked at. Bray makes fun of him for being yellow, but nobody calls Balor yellow. The match will happen.
They fight on the outside with Balor hitting a shotgun dropkick that sent Wyatt into the barricade. Balor heads up top but Wyatt cuts him off and hits a superplex. They end up on the apron and Wyatt drops Balor shoulder first.
Balor traps Wyatt in the apron skirt and hits a kick. He then heads up top only to be frozen to the spot by Wyatt doing the crab walk. They explain that the Demon wouldn't be scared but the man is. This is a stupendously dumb piece of storytelling. This distracts Balor long enough for Wyatt to hit a uranage and senton for 2.
Balor hits the double stomp to the back of Wyatt's head but it's not enough. Wyatt gives Balor a fucking massive suplex throw. That was sweet. Wyatt heads up top but Balor cuts him off with a kick. A running clothesline and Coup de Grace later Balor is the victor.
It was a better match than the one they had at Summerslam. I actually quite liked this one. I hope this is the end of the feud and Balor can go onto something better. ***
Raw Tag Team Titles - Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose vs Sheamus & Cesaro
They head to the floor straight away and Cesaro swings Ambrose into the ring steps. Ambrose is suffering from the attack and the challengers target it relentlessly. Ambrose manages to give Cesaro a monkey flip and he eats the ring post. I mean that, he hit the ringpost face first and it smashed his teeth. It was fucking nasty.
Hot tag to Rollins and he runs wild. Cesaro tags out so the doctor can tell him he's going to need new teeth. Cesaro comes back and the challengers work some double team moves on Rollins. Sheamus ends up running himself into the post. His teeth are fine. The challengers end up on the floor and Ambrose hits a suicide dive.
Back in the ring, Ambrose hits an elbow off the top for a near fall. Cesaro catches Rollins in the sharpshooter, then transitions to the crossface. Rollins escapes. Cesaro and Sheamus hit a double crucifix bomb for a 2 count.
In a call back to their Summerslam match, Rollins tries to hit the springboard hurricanrana to send Cesaro into Sheamus. Cesaro caught him and powerbombed him from the top onto Ambrose. That spot looked fantastic. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick but Ambrose moves and it hits Cesaro. Sheamus turns around into a ripcord knee followed by the Dirty Deeds, and the champions retain.
That was a brilliant match. Tag titles matches have been consistently excellent for the last few months. The intensity of the match was raised by Cesaro's tooth loss, the man is a beast. ****1/4
Raw Women's Title - Alexa Bliss vs Bayley vs Nia Jax vs Sasha Banks vs Emma
They start off with a 5-way bum rush before Nia goes on a tear. She takes out everyone and hits a tandem Samoan drop on Alexa and Sasha. Impressive. The rest of them realise that they need to do something about Nia.
Bayley puts her in a hanging choke and Nia ends up on the apron. Emma tries to powerbomb her to the floor but it ain't happening. Bayley helps out. Still no. Sasha and Alexa throw dropkicks to Nia and that does it. Huge powerbomb to the floor.
Emma hits a double splash to the corner. Sasha hits a wheelbarrow bulldog on Emma and applies the Banks Statement to Alexa. Bayley breaks it up. Bayley hits the Bayley-to-belly on Emma. Sasha breaks it up.
Nia is back. She hits the big legdrop but Alexa breaks up the pin. Nia rushes Alexa in the corner but Alexa moves causing Nia to hit the ringpost. Alexa pushes Bayley into Emma and hits her with the snap DDT to retain her title.
This was a really fun sprint. It exceeded my expectations and I thought that Nia looked really good. Good work all round here. ***3/4
John Cena vs Roman Reigns
Cena asks if he should leave, the crowd says yes, so he goes to leave. Reigns goes after him and takes advantage of the match. He is stomping the shit out of him . He is acting heelish again and the crowd is booing him vociferously.
They head outside and Cena whips Reigns into the steps. Reigns then whips Cena into the other steps and follows up with a Drive-By. Back in the ring, Cena is getting the tar beat out of him. Cena fights back but not for long. This is a weird match.
Reigns goes for the Superman punch but Cena counters into the STF. Reigns powers out with a powerbomb. They trade punches and the crowd is 100% with Cena. Reigns goes for a cross body but Cena catches him. AA! Reigns kicks at 2.
Cena heads up top and goes for his leg drop but Reigns catches him in a powerbomb. 2 count. Superman punch. 2 count.Reigns goes for the spear but Cena sidesteps and hits the post hard. They might be overdoing that spot. They end up on the top. Super AA! 2 count!
The crowd wants another but Cena shakes his head, winks to the hard cam and heads outside. He clears off the announce tables and goes for the AA. Reigns wriggles out and hits the spear from one table through the other. Reigns eats shit on the landing, he lands right on his head and neck.
Back in the ring Cena kicks out. Reigns gets caught in an AA. Cena isn't done, rolls through and hits another AA. 1, 2, nope! Reigns is Terminator Jesus. Cena looks bewildered. Superman punch! Spear! 1, 2, 3. Cena is done.
Cena raises Reigns' hand. The crowd boo, obviously. Reigns leaves and Cena stays in the ring. He bows to the crowd and the fans thank him as if he is leaving for good. He is definitely leaving to film Bumblebee.
This match started off really strange but it pulled it together nicely. It was Superman vs ,well, another Superman I guess. Fun times. ****
The Miz is backstage with Kurt Angle. He tells him that he wants to interview Reigns on Miz TV tomorrow on Raw. Angle agrees and says he can open the show.
Cruiserweight Title - Neville vs Enzo Amore
Vic Joseph is on commentary. Enzo comes out looking like electrocuted Beetlejuice. He cuts his promo, all I heard was bees. Neville is in total control. I have a horrible, sinking feeling about this. The fans give zero fucks.
Neville beats Enzo on the outside but Enzo beats the count. The crowd boo. Neville beats him up some more, Enzo kicks out. 'This is boring' chant. They're not wrong. Neville goes up top but decides to go for a phoenix splash from the second rope instead. He misses and Enzo hits a leaping DDT for a near fall.
Enzo is beaten to the outside again but for some reason the ref stops the count because Enzo picks up the cruiserweight title. Enzo gets back in with the title, the ref takes it off him, and Enzo kicks Neville in the ballsack for the shittiest of wins. The worst wrestler on the roster is now the cruiserweight champion.
This was completely fucking dire. There was nothing good about it. It was a cesspool of despair and misery so dark that not even light can pass through it. The world as we know it will never be the same. DUD (You know what that doesn't feel good enough, -****************)
Universal Title - Brock Lesnar vs Braun Strowman
Brock goes for a takedown. Denied. He does hit a German suplex but it has no effect on Braun who pops up and hits a chokeslam followed by the running powerslam. Brock kicks at 2. Brock goes for the F5 but his back gives in. Braun is bleeding from the cheek. Braun sends him to the outside and runs him into the post.
Back in, Braun runs himself into the turnbuckle and Lesnar applies the kimura and takes him to the floor. Braun escapes and hits a spinebuster. Brock decides it's time for a main course of German suplexes. He rips off 5 of them and goes for the F5 but Braun reverses it into the powerslam. Brock kicks out. Lesnar hits the F5 and it's over!
Well that was underwhelming. One F5?! The crowd wasn't really into it either, probably because they hadn't managed to escape the supermassive black hole caused by Enzo's title win. **
Overall Grade - B-
This was a strange show. It was building really nicely up until the cruiserweight match killed it dead. The main event was a disappointment too. The first 5 matches of the main show are fun though so I'm giving it points for that. The tag match, the superhuman spectacle that was Cena vs Reigns, and the women's match wee all well worth checking out.
On a separate note, this is my 100th article on this blog so I would like to say thank you to everyone that reads my insane ramblings.
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