WWE Mae Young Classic Episode 3 Review

Once again I have used my unparalleled design skills to bring you the updated bracket. Here it is:

It's weird how they have done most of the left side of the draw but 2 random matches on the other. Oh well, on to tonight.

Round 1 - Ayesha Raymond vs Toni Storm

Despite the fact that she is English, I don't know a great deal about Raymond. I do know a lot about Toni Storm though. She wrestles extensively in Stardom and PROGRESS, which is possibly my favourite promotion. This was run of the mill by Storm's standards but I don't put that on her. Raymond didn't really impress here. She wasn't particularly bad but it was clear that Storm was the, and is, the star here. **1/2

Round 1 - Dakota Kai vs Kavita Devi

Dakota Kai previously wrestled as Evie in Shimmer, among other places. Devi was trained by the Great Khali and it really shows. She wrestles like him too. That might be a bit harsh but she does have about 3 moves. The match consisted of Devi taking control with her 3 moves before getting caught and losing to the double stomp. The right person definitely won here. **

Round 1 - Bianca Belair vs Sage Beckett

Both of these wrestlers are part of the developmental system so the only things I know about them is due to that. Like a lot of the first round matches so far this is pretty much a run of the mill match, not bad but not memorable either. Belair does have a ton of charisma though. I haven't decided whether the hair whip is a cool, unique move or just plain awful. Belair won this with a spear. **1/2

Round 1 - Piper Niven vs Santana Garrett

Piper Niven previously wrestled as Viper, mainly in the UK and Japan. Santana Garrett has been all over the shop. It is clear at this point that the matches that are main eventing these episodes are in that spot because they deserve it from a wrestling standpoint rather than a marketability standpoint, which I approve of wholeheartedly. This is comfortably the best match on this episode. They work a highly entertaining power vs speed match, in fact it was possibly the best match so far. I would have absolutely no issues with seeing both of these get some time in NXT, especially now that Asuka is moving to the main roster. Niven picked up the win with a Michinoku Driver. ***1/2

Overall Thoughts

Like the previous two episodes this was mostly a showcase for the winners, with one match standing head and shoulders above the rest. That was always likely in a tournament such as this though. 
